Saturday, September 27, 2008

Day Dreaming

What does a one month old dream about?

What an exciting week!  Emmett is now 5 weeks old and you can truly see how every day he becomes a little more like a little person.  Somewhere in the last week he decided that smiling is a lot of fun, and we couldn't agree more.
One nice thing about having a baby is all the cool people who come to visit you. If you're reading this and haven't met Emmett yet, please come and see us!

Here's Emmett with his cousin Mirinae. She immediately took a liking to her little cousin. Little kids seem to really go ape over babies.
Furthermore, this week we've started Emmett's musical training.  Mostly this involves him lying on the dining room table while I play with some toy keyboards and rattles and shakers around his head to soothe him.  But that's a good start for such a young lad, and he really loves music.  The Mobius Band outfit is courtesy of our friends (and my band mate) Peter and Jessica.
That's the latest from around here. Emmett says "BYE BYE"!

Monday, September 22, 2008

1 month old!

Where has the month gone? Oh, I know, I think it was mostly spent bouncing Emmett on the red yoga ball! Seriously, go buy one of these today! Not only is it good for exercising, stretching, pretending it's a Katamari ball, it is the #1 most important baby calming equipment we have! All for only $30!

Here are a few pictures from last week including one of Taiko & the yoga ball. The last one is of our friend Dave visiting with Emmett.

Monday, September 15, 2008

3 weeks

Well I can say things have finally settled down here a bit! Now that we have known Emmett for 3 weeks we understand him a little better, which makes life easier for all of us.  I don't think you can be prepared for how hard the first few weeks with a newborn is!

Emmett has enjoyed a variety of new experiences this week. We had our first trip to a restaurant (Vera Cruzana!) with Grandma Pam & Paula and Grandpa Roy yesterday. He was great, but mostly slept. He also likes his daily walk with Taiko, Bella & Raleigh in his Bjorn carrier. Lastly, he finally enjoys bath time! We were surprised how much he hated the bath initially, so it's a nice chance to have a relaxing evening bath.

Here are a few pictures from last nights bath.

Friday, September 5, 2008

2 weeks

Just a quick note while I'm holding the baby...

Thought you would like to see some post-bath pictures of Emmett at 2 weeks.


Monday, September 1, 2008

off the deep end

Sitting at the computer, wearing Emmett in his Baby Bjorn, trying to write about our first week with this little guy, and he just settled down enough to let me at it. Phew. . .

Well,  last week was crazy.  Very crazy.

Emmett got impatient waiting for Mommy's delicious milk to arrive, and became very dehydrated.  This led to an inconsolable crankiness and even a bit of a fever.  We brought him to our pediatrician, and they didn't like his temperature (Emmett certainly didn't like them taking it) and recommended we go to the hospital for evaluation.

Now, whenever an infant this young has a fever, they automatically fire up the worry machines and inject the new parents with a heavy dose of paranoia.  In order to rule out bacterial infections that can go from bad to worse faster than Emmett can soil a diaper, they hold you for a few days, poke and prod your kid until you can't take it anymore, and watch what happens.

So, we were only home two nights before we had to go back to the hospital for three more!

Luckily Emmett is fine.  He has no nasty infections, but was basically just very, very thirsty. Unluckily, I picked up a hitchhiking virus in the Emergency Room, and became sicker than I've ever been in my adult life.  Soon Sarah was caring for two helpless, whining babies.  Yikes!

Well, it took me a few days, but I've recovered.  We are finally able to start unraveling the mysteries of Emmett's strange language (why does he always have to shout?).  And just being normally exhausted, the way every new family should be.

We had a few nice visits this weekend from Grandma Paula and Grandpa Roy.  Plus Emmett got to meet Our good friends Meir, Annie, Dave, and Gabe. Everything's back to (ab) normal.

Grandpa Roy gets on Emmett's wavelength

Two Babies?

Emmett's first bath

quiet time with Daddy