Well, all the waiting and hoping and pacing is done. . . Coleman has arrived!
Coleman Ray Schatz
Born June 6 at 11:57 p.m.
8 lbs 12 oz
We had a great birth experience. Everything went smoother and quicker and easier than the first time. Our birth team was fantastic including Maggie, our friend/neighbor/midwife extraordinaire, and Patti, an excellent nurse and laboring-lady-massage-specialist.
Maggie checked in on Sarah all day on Sunday (its good to have a midwife who lives across the street!) and we headed to the hospital around 4:30 pm. Things progressed smoothly through dinner time, and then picked up after that. Sarah was in the tub for quite a bit and the warm water seemed to really ease the pain of her contractions. Sarah is a trooper and you could hardly tell from her steady composure how powerful those contractions were.
Around 11 pm, she decided she had enough agony, having been through an excruciating transition with Emmett, and called for an epidural. What a godsend! She mumbled a quick blessing over the anesthesiologist. With the pain and anxiety out of the way, her body quickly readied itself for the last blast... 13 minutes of pushing and out he came!
Open your eyes, little guy.
Welcome to the Schatz family!
Emmett came to visit the next day, and he couldn't have responded more positively to the sight of his new brother. He kept exclaiming, "Baby is sooo cute!" and ordering everyone to kiss the baby.
No Emmett, Coleman can't have a chip.
Nana enjoys some time with her two grandsons.
Daddy and Cole relax.
Nice to meet you, Grandma!
Papa seems pleased with his 12th grandchild.
The modern working mom, Sarah keeps the business going throughout.