Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fall Fun

Here are a few pictures of Emmett at Old Deerfield a few weeks ago.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

emmett plays guitar, tumbles, drums

Hello, here is a funny video of our little man exploring the sound of his little blue guitar.

A couple of days a week, he's been going to tumbling at the YMCA. Early training for the olympics.

We spent a rainy day at the children's museum in Holyoke. Emmett had a lot of fun, especially playing these drums. His hands move so fast, you can't see 'em!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

From Josh's Wedding

Here are 2 great pictures that just got sent to me from our friend Josh & Becky's wedding.
They were taken a week before Emmett turned one!

We are using one to submit as a entry for Baby Gap photo contest.
A link to follow if you want to vote!

Friday, September 25, 2009

2 cute pictures


It's been a while, so I thought I would show 2 new pictures that Emmett's babysitter took.

He now likes to stand and try walking most of the time. Most of all loves climbing on things. 

Climbing pictures coming soon.

Crawling is still cool too.

Monday, August 31, 2009

camp powell 2009

"If this ain't perfect, what is?"

We just got back from a relaxing week at Camp Powell, Sarah's family getaway in Vermont.  The cabin is right on a very secluded and pristine bay off of Lake Champlain.  It's the best swimming in the world and Emmett ate it up!

Tiny E was totally fearless in his pursuit of adventure, crawling in rushed zig zags in and out of the waves.  With his perpetually sandy bottom, I think it's safe to say Emmett's a real beach bum.  He even is starting to take his very first steps.

Katie T and The Rubinstein Clan all came up to share some of our good times.

The twins made good friends with Raleigh.

First the cupcake, now the bagel....where do we get such large baked goods?

No trip is complete without a stop at the Cold Hollow Cider Mill for some fresh cider doughnuts.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Hard to believe, Emmett's 1st birthday is here.  We've survived a whole year, and I must say it's been a pretty fun time!

We had a blow out for his birthday with lots of his peers and other assorted children to run around and generally wreak havok.

Our old friend Paul, the ice cream man, brought his truck and everyone enjoyed his wares.

Emmett ate a cupcake bigger than his head.

We all sang Happy Birthday.

Emmett got a chance to hang with our good buddy, Dave.

Contemplating another turn 'round the sun.

Verdict:  "YAY!!"

Monday, July 27, 2009

Emmett on the phone and the piano

He was talking for twenty minutes... can anybody translate this?

...and a little music as well.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Welcome Little Wille!

Well, it's happened again. How long could we have gone on with only one beagle? It's just not balanced that way.

Willie is a 7 week old beagle puppy and it looks like we're gonna keep him.

Who can resist such a cute little face?

Gettin' cozy...

Emmett and Willie love to play together.

Willie and the Family.

Double Beagle

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Nudie Pix!

As today offered the nicest weather in a week or so of cloudy days, we decided to enjoy some time all together in our yard.

Emmett enjoyed getting "back to nature" - the briskness of the water on his undercarriage, the fresh air seeping in through every pore, the sun shine hitting spots where it normally don't.

"Raleigh, let's race!"

I'm practically standing on my own.


"buns of steel"

Serious business in the pool...


Emmett enjoying his new toy phone. He immediately started holding it up to his ear and "chatting". Why does he look so worried?