Wednesday, July 28, 2010

VT part II

Well, it's almost time to go home . . . We've been having a great vacation packed from top to bottom with fun at the beach, excursions to interesting places, and visits from friends and family.

We took a trip to Shelburne Farms, a Vermont institution. It's a working farm and educational center. Emmett played with the animals, rode on many a tractor, and even saw them making cheese!

Here I come!!

I got one.


Emmett and Papa cut a rug.


Nana blows bubbles.

Dancing in a sunset rain shower.

See you soon.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Camp Vacation!


Emmett plays his stick and leaf drumset.

E contemplates the vastness of the universe.

Happy Baby!

Tired Baby!

Emmett donated some of the clippings from his haircut for Coleman's weave.

Our old friends Katie and Chris came to visit.


Chris and Tara's daughter Adia and Emmett enjoy some lunch.

Adia holds the baby.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hot as July!


It's been a hot, thick patch of summer around here. We've been combating the hot weather with freezee pops and italian ices. We've taken to running around through a sprinkler in the backyard in our underpants, whooping. We've dined on fresh fruits and vegetables we've picked at our farm share.

Emmett has decided to join the firehouse.

Our old friend Josh came up to see us and help celebrate Sarah's birthday. Emmett immediately began demonstrating all of his toys, and soon Josh had joined the firehouse as well.

We jammed a nasty old school "Fireman Dance" in the dining room the other day. I played drums while Emmett busted several varieties of moves. Somehow, Coleman slept peacefully on the table throughout the dominating funk. What a world!

You and me, staring contest . . . NOW!

this is the life!